CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Letter to the Editor from Local 500 President Mike Davidson - Re: City Mistakes Cost Us All

There is a lot of finger pointing going on about who was responsible for the 6,000 new vehicle collisions this past winter from unplowed city streets.

The outcome of this increase in collisions is now a proposed hike to MPI rates (MPI driving for higher rates, May 10). Russ Wyatt blamed the weather. Justin Swandel blamed Winnipeggers who drove “lesser cars”. Grant Nordman blamed “idiot drivers”. The provincial Conservatives are playing politics and blaming the provincial NDP.

But if anyone is to be blamed, it is the decision-makers at City Hall who contracted out 80% of the city’s snow removal and failed to deploy them in a timely manner. This is a good example why this service should be brought back in house, where we can provide the level of service Winnipeggers deserve. The blame doesn’t rest on drivers, small cars, or even MPI. It rests at 510 Main Street where the Chair of Finance (Russ Wyatt) is cutting city services to the bone, leaving us to pay the price.

Mike Davidson
President of CUPE Local 500